Australias Own Diamond Pro Plus Stage 3 Formula Review

Australias Own Diamond Pro Plus Stage 3 Formula Review

Made by Australia’s Own, this Toddler Milk Drink has added Prebiotics & Probiotics and a range of key vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and is designed for kiddies who are 12 months and older, in combination with a healthy, varied and well-balanced diet (well,as much as you can get them to eat, anyway!)

By the time little ones reach toddlerhood, they no longer depend on infant formula or breast milk as a major source of nutrition, as they have well and truly developed their preliminary eating skills and preference for food. Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that toddlers eat foods the rest of the family is eating, and that they eat well from the five food groups, being  (1) fruit, (2) vegetables, (3) grains (cereal foods, mostly wholegrains and/or high fibre cereal varieties), (4) lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans and (5) milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or their alternatives.

Toddler’s nutritional requirements differ from those of babies, older children and adults.  They are continuing to grow rapidly and they are extremely active, so nutrition is a top priority to help your toddler continue to thrive and develop. Added to this, the first three years of life are crucial in determining future food preferences and lifelong eating patterns.

It’s important for us parents to be sure that our children are getting enough nutrition through a well-balanced diet. But it can be hard to keep track of what they’ve eaten across the day, particularly if they’re at child care.

So, if you just want to be sure they are getting all the nutrients they need, one way to increase their nutrient intake is with a good toddler milk drink, in combination with a healthy diet. Toddler milks are fortified in nutrients to support your child’s development, and may replace cow’s milk because they are based on cow’s milk and contain key cow’s milk nutrients, fortified with additional vitamins, minerals and other nutrients not found in fresh cow’s milk alone.

But how do you choose between the different toddler milk drinks?

With so many types and brands available in Australia, it can be hard to sort fact from fiction. Today we are looking at a trusted name and much-loved product, Diamond pro+ Premium Toddler Milk Drink.

This formulation brings the latest nutritional and scientific evidence to toddler milk drinks.It is specially crafted to include additional key nutrients when they may not be getting enough through diet alone. This formulation is also one of the only toddler milk drinks to contain both Prebiotics, which are food for the gut bacteria and Probiotics, which are the good bacteria in the gut.

Many toddler milk drinks contain nasties like maltodextrin and flavourings, but Diamond pro+ contains no added table sugar (sucrose), no artificial colours, no artificial flavours and no preservatives, so you can feel positively good about choosing this one for your toddler.

Australia’s Own is a Freedom Foods Group brand, and is the only toddler milk drink that is Australian owned and made, using premium dairy milk from Australian farms. So, we can guarantee it is of the highest quality because as we know Australian standards are one of the highest in the world.

How does it work?

Diamond pro+ is made in Australia from only the best quality cow’s milk and fortified with extra supporting nutrients for this age group.

With the suggested servings of Diamond pro+, you can get up to 15-50% of your little one’s nutritional needs of 16 essential vitamins and minerals from this toddler milk drink alone. It also contains prebiotics and probiotics.

As well as a drink on its own, this toddler milk drink can replace regular cow’s milk to add nourishment and flavour when preparing breakfast, baking or preparing meals for your toddler.

Remember, meals at this age don’t need to be fancy! In fact, most toddlers prefer simpler preparation. Also keep in mind that your toddlers taste preferences will differ from your own.

Why is it good for this age group?

Busy and modern lifestyles can mean that child time, family time and work time are all compartmentalised, and it can be difficult to keep an eye on what your toddler is eating and to make sure that they get everything their little bodies require.

A healthy, well-balanced diet can provide all the nutrients toddlers need for growth, development and activity. But toddlers do not always eat well and any mother of a toddler will be familiar with finding apples with one bite taken out or tiny tubs of half-filled yoghurt all over the house!

While a toddler is exploring a world of new types of foods, colours, flavours, and textures, he or she might be cautious about the food actually eaten. While this is normal, it can help to provide a little extra of some of the important growth nutrients needed at this time, such as iodine, iron and zinc. Also, because of the small volumes kiddies eat, we need to encourage nourishing, nutrient-packed meals and snacks so our toddlers get the biggest bang from their food.

It takes time and perseverance to get your children to the stage where they are confident and familiar enough to eat the healthy food you provide.

In the meantime, you can be sure that they are getting what they need from a toddler milk like this one in combination with a healthy diet.

What nutritional value does it contain?

Diamond pro+ is a good source of iodine and iron, which contribute to your toddler’s normal cognitive function. It’s also a great source of zinc, which is needed for normal immune system function and helps their systems to fight all of the germs and viruses that come home from child care.

The formulation provides calcium and vitamin D, needed for growing bones and strong teeth.

It also contains a range of group B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B& B12, which contribute to normal energy production, as well as vitamin C, D and a wide range of other vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics, the good bacteria in the gut and the food they need to thrive.

This toddler milk has been created with no artificial colours, no artificial flavours or no preservatives, and has no added maltodextrin, glucose or table sugar. Hooray!

Toddlers seem to love the taste as well, which is rich and creamy and tastes like milk.

How do you prepare it?

You should always wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food for your little one and use clean utensils as their immune systems are still developing.

The can is easy to open and seals tight for freshness with a rubber cap.

Using the enclosed scoop, fill it and scrape off any excess using the built-in leveller in the tin.

Add 3 level scoops of powder to 180 mL of drinking water. Mix thoroughly by stirring briskly with the stirring utensil to dissolve the toddler milk drink.

For a cold drink, chill in the fridge for 1 hour before serving. For a warm drink, heat slightly before serving.

It’s also great to know that Australia’s Own lets parents know that we can add just one scoop to each 60 mL of water, if our toddler doesn’t want a full serve or if used as a milk replacement when preparing food.

It doesn’t always need to be given in a cup; you can also use it in cooking or on cereal, as another way to be sure they are taking in the nutrition that they need.

How much does it cost?

Diamond pro+ Premium Toddler Milk Drink is usually priced around $28.

Given Diamond pro+ uses premium Australian milk, it’s uncompromised in quality. Australia’s Own takes pride in sourcing premium quality ingredients and is committed to providing safe and nutritious products for early life nutrition.

Because it is proudly Australian owned and made and of such good quality we think it is worth seeking out.

Where is it available?

Australia’s Own Diamond pro+ is available in the baby aisle of Coles Nationwide and Coles online.

There’s been a lot of talk recently of empty shelves and shortages of formula, but Australia’s Own is committed to guaranteeing sufficient supply, particularly to Australian families. They assure us of no weak points in their processes with supply and distribution.

How does it compare on the market?

So how does Australia’s Own compare? One of the first noticeable differences is that it is the highest Toddler Milk Drink in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which we know are vital essential nutrients. In any case, it’s fair to say that a healthy diet for your child should include these fats. Oily fish like salmon and sardines are the best sources of omega-3 fats whilst nuts and seeds are great sources of omega-6 fats, but as we know it can be difficult to get toddlers to eat certain foods, and our little ones may miss out on the omega-3 and 6 rich food sources.

It is also one the only products to contain both Prebiotics & Probiotics. Prebiotics support the growth of the good bacteria already living in your gut and eating probiotics increases the amount of good bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics can naturally be found in Barley, artichokes, firm bananas, leeks and asparagus, whilst probiotics can be found in kefir, cabbage and yoghurt. But again these foods can be difficult for toddlers to eat, as they may be uninterested in eating these foods, so providing toddler milk containing these is an easy way to make sure your toddler’s gut is healthy.

Diamond pro+ is one of the top performers in zinc, iodine and Vitamin D- all important nutrients for kiddies. Very few foods (e.g. fatty fish, eggs) naturally contain vitamin D so it is almost impossible to obtain enough from food naturally alone. The rest we need to get when our skin is exposed to the sun or from supplementation like toddler milk drink.

Diamond pro+ is rich in iron, but you may be confused into thinking that it is low compared to the others in the table. Toddlers in this age group who are missing out on eating a full range of foods may need a little more iron to bridge the gap between their dietary intake and their needs, but we don’t want them to have too much supplemental iron, all at once. The reason for this is that supplemental iron may be constipating. Constipation is one of the more common side effects of iron supplementation and changes in bowel movements can make them irritable and fussy. It’s also one of the lowest in lactose (per 100 mL) which we know can have some effects on some kiddies too.

It is more expensive than some competitors, but it is a very high-quality brand using Australian premium milk, so you can be assured that you are giving your child only the best.

Our Verdict

The foundations are set during childhood. As a parent, our job is to make sure that we provide nutritious food choices at every meal for their growing bodies and developing minds and to help them develop a taste for a healthy diet for lifelong healthy eating habits.

Using this toddler milk, we can add nourishment to meals and fill in nutrient gaps to raise our best kind.

Australia’s Own Diamond pro+, with Prebiotics & Probiotics has been professionally formulated using an evidenced based approach. It’s a premium class toddler milk drink and a brand that you can trust.

How much does it cost?

RRP: $28