Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X Syndrome

What is Fragile X Syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition affecting around 1 in 3600 boys and 1 in 4000 girls worldwide.

What causes Fragile X syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome is a caused by a mutation of the DNA. This mutation leads to a repetition of the bases CGG present on the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) of the X chromosome. Abnormal multiplication of CGG bases causes a failure to manufacture the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP). The absence of FMRP leaves the nervous system and brain of the baby in an underdeveloped state.

What are the signs and symptoms of Fragile X syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome leads to a variety of symptoms including:

Physical Changes

· Long face
· Extra large ears
· Super flexible finger joints
· Extremely weak muscles and loss of tone
· Flat feet (no arch under feet)

Mental Changes

· Variable range of IQ ( from normal to severe disability)
· Features of autism, including difficulty having proper conversations.
· Social anxiety (poor eye contact and avoiding human interaction)
· Memory impairment

How is Fragile X syndrome diagnosed?

There are two ways to diagnose Fragile X syndrome:

· The signs and symptoms of this condition such as extra large ears.
· Looking the genetic makeup of the individual to figure out the number of repetitions of CGG on the X chromosome.

How is Fragile X syndrome managed?

Unfortunately there is no cure for the genetic mutation leading to Fragile X syndrome. However, the symptoms of this condition can be managed.

Management methods include:

· Medications, mood stabilisers and antidepressants are administered to reduce the anxiety and impulsiveness.
· Behavioural therapy is necessary to boost to the confidence of the individual and makes peer interaction easier.
· Speech Therapy is also recommended as children with Fragile X syndrome may have difficulties expressing themselves.
· Surgical treatment may be considered as an option for physical abnormalities.


Baby Diseases & Infections



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Respiratory Syncytial Virus


Pink Eye Infection

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Whooping Cough

Slapped Cheek Syndrome

Inner Ear Infection


Congenital Heart Disease


Fragile X Syndrome

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