Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition which affects children both physically and mentally. This condition usually start in small children and in most cases continues into adulthood.
What is the cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
There are multiple factors which contribute to the occurrence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Some of these factors are as under:
People who have parents or other relatives with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often give birth to children the same condition.
Toxic Substances
Exposure to lead for a prolonged period of time whether its level is low, moderate or high might lead to a chemical disturbance in the brain which causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Brain Injury
Damage to the brain due to trauma, tumors or disease such as stroke (condition in which the blood vessel which supplies oxygen to the brain gets blocked).
What are the signs and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder suffers from a variety of different symptoms including:
Reduced focus
The child gets easily distracted by minimal stimuli and faces a lot of difficulty in following instructions, concentrating and performing tasks.
The child acts and behaves impulsively and has frequent mood swings.
The child becomes very restless, is constantly on the move and is seen fidgeting with one thing or the other all the time.
How do we diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
The doctor takes a complete medical history of the child in order to detect anomalies in the development and growth of the child. The medical history along with the signs and symptoms the child presents with are enough to give us a diagnosis of this condition.
How do we manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be easily managed by following the tips mentioned below:
· Setup a proper schedule for your child to follow on a daily basis.
· Make sure that the child is listening to all of your instructions with complete focus.
· Restless nature of the child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder makes that child prone to injury. Therefore, close supervision is required all the time.
· Reward any improvement the child shows in his/her behaviour.. Releasing the right hormones helps the body to heal itself.