Symptoms of Pregnancy

Symptoms of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very crucial phase of a woman’s life. Although for the most part, becoming pregnant is a wonderful experience for most women, pregnancy has its share of issues which almost every woman must face.

Below are a few symptoms a woman goes through during her pregnancy:

Morning Sickness

When a woman becomes pregnant, she becomes extremely sensitive to changes in her environment. These changes include an increased awareness of odours and irritability of the stomach.

This sensitivity makes a woman susceptible to nausea and vomiting, most of the time, during the first trimester. However, a few unfortunate women suffer from these symptoms until the delivery of the baby.

Frequent Urination

As the pregnancy of a woman progresses, the increased size of the uterus puts additional pressure on the bladder. This causes the bladder to empty quickly and more often. Increased rate of urination is one of the most common symptoms which occur in pregnant women and this continues until the baby is delivered.

Vaginal Discharge

During pregnancy, most women suffer from discharge of fluid through the vagina. The colour of the discharge is milky and is caused due to an increased amount of a hormone called estrogen in the body of the pregnant woman.

Gas and Bloating

When a woman is pregnant, a hormone called progesterone, increases in her body. Progesterone causes the processes which occur in the digestive tract, to slow down. This leads to accumulation of meals and build-up of gas takes place. The build-up of gas causes bloating of the stomach.


During pregnancy, a hormone called progesterone, increases in her body. Progesterone causes the processes which occur in the digestive tract, to slow down. This leads to accumulation of meals and build-up of gas takes place.

The build-up of gas causes bloating of the stomach. A combination of these changes eventually leads to constipation.

Bleeding Gums

Some pregnant women suffer from bleeding of the gums when they floss or brush their teeth. This condition occurs because the changes in level of hormones in a woman’s body makes her teeth very sensitive to the bacteria, present in there.

Feeling tired and headaches

You start feeling a little restless and tired, despite that you cannot sleep for as long as you normally do, due to changes taking place in your body and as your body gets dehydrated you start getting very bad headaches during the night specially.


Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, is a condition in which the blood vessels present in the rectal region, becomes abnormally swollen. When a woman passes stool, the stools meet those blood vessels and irritate them. This condition leads to bleeding through rectum, itching and pain.

Itchy Skin

During pregnancy, a woman becomes extremely sensitive, to such an extent that the slightest contact with any substance, might cause her to start scratching.


The blood vessels in a pregnant woman’s nose become dilated and anything which irritates them, such as hot weather, or nose picking, might cause them to start leaking.

Swelling of limbs

A pregnant woman’s body tends to retain a lot of fluids, including water, within it. This retention of fluids causes that woman’s limbs to swell up.

Fungal Infections

The vagina of a woman is a natural habitat of fungi. Usually, these fungi are harmless, but when a woman becomes pregnant, her immunity becomes very low. This causes the fungi living in the vagina to start acting differently and cause infection in the pregnant woman.